For the beauty of the earth: Native Knowings

Several years ago I compiled a concise eBook with some key native knowings about the earth, and the era of transition we are living through. Our current circumstances prompted me this past month to put the knowings into print.

While at first it may seem that the theme of Native Knowings has little relationship to our farm and food systems, there is a connection. Our ethics and our attitudes shape our systems, and our food systems shape our personal health as well as the health of the earth. This slender volume addresses that foundational reality head on, and it does it in an inspiring way, relying on the guidance of traditional elders.

With that background and intention, Light and Sound Press, LLC hereby announces an important addition to the Soul*Sparks collection of gift books–-small treasures recognized for their enduring insights. As of late May 2023 Native Knowings is now available in a slender,  handsome, and impactful paperback edition.

The back cover of this small treasure gives a sense of what lies within:

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