Category Archives: farms

CSA farms: Healthy Islands Amid Systems Collapses?

Can community farms (CSAs) help mitigate the difficulties and challenges that may arise during crises or system collapses?

This is a 20-minute talk and slide-show I prepared for participation in a Sustainable Roundtable discussion of systems collapses. I was asked to present on the topic of how community farms (CSAs) might ease, or mitigate the harsh condition in the case of economic or environmental crises.

The talk and slide show are intended to introduce the topic, and to stimulate thought, conversation, and planning. To meet a community challenge, we need Community Intelligence (CI) – the Hive Mind. I invite you to participate: if you have thoughts, questions, or contributions for this topic, please add them to the comments section. Over time I will compile them to provide a community resource.

What are farms for?

by Steven McFadden – January 29, 2024

In a thought-provoking essay published in 1990, Wendell Berry asked, “What are people for?” Now more than three decades later, with the aggressive incursion of artificial intelligence (AI) into our lives, Berry’s rhetorical question takes on added magnitude.

What does it mean to be human in the Age of AI? Especially if the craft, trade, or profession you mastered is rendered irrelevant by “intelligent machines.”

In his essay Mr. Berry is challenging us to find our own answers. That’s our soul-searching assignment. But in an oblique response to his own question, he notes in his essay that there’s critical work to be done restoring and caring for our farms, waters, forests, and communities. That’s indeed work that must be done, and best done—he would likely say—with the high skill and honest pride of human cultivators, protectors, providers, and pathfinders. These are critical roles, highly purposeful.

In our moment of history, with the aid of AI, large industrial, chemical, GMO infused agri-corporations are continuing to subsume and to overshadow food systems, while colossal billion-buck investment firms continue to hoard farmland. This commercial juggernaut of consolidation and concentration for greater profit, in North America and globally, brings a second question into focus: What are farms for?

When Trauger Groh and I wrote Farms of Tomorrow (1990), and then Farms of Tomorrow Revisited (1998), we used a well-known epigram to express an obvious starting point:

“When tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of human civilization.”Daniel Webster, NH Statesman (1782-1852)

We cannot work, play, watch TV, or survive if we are not eating, if we are without farms producing food. Farms are a foundation upon which everything depends. Not debatable. That farm and food systems are in a profound transition is likewise beyond debate.

A domineering set of responses to the “what are farms for” question is being blazed at warp speed by systems and forces that Oxfam designates as Inequality, Inc. They coined the term in their report on this year’s World Economic Forum (Davos).

The mammoth corporations Oxfam criticizes are reigning as ultra-processed, high-tech institutional patriarchs, presiding in many cases over global networks of exploitation to manufacture food products that often, over time, rankle our innards with digestive maladies ranging from GERD (reflux disease) to enraged bowel syndrome (IBD).

Oxfam’s representatives state the moral imperative plainly: “Human suffering should never be an ingredient in the food we eat.” Needless animal suffering, likewise, should never be an ingredient in the human diet. In the circle of life, all these elements inevitably become part of who we are, how we think and feel, the condition of our souls. All is related. The Sacred Hoop is a fact of life.

Industrial-scale agri-food systems based on chemicals, machines, and bottom-line economics are likely to continue advancing full throttle—from Big Seed, and Big Fertilizer, to Big Chem, Big GMO, Big Prisons, and Big Market. Earth’s 8.1 billion people need a lot of food. The big corporations can pump it out. Yet while industrial enterprises produce marketable crops that provide sustenance for many and monetary profits for the investors, in far too many cases they also lay waste to the life in the soil, foul our waters with chemicals, imprison millions of farmed animals in harsh, unnatural conditions, and engage human beings in low-wage and often unjust jobs.

Is this the future? Are farms to be massive, remotely owned, industrial scale, chemical, monoculture, crop-and-animal factories employing a minimum number of workers at menial tasks to help churn out masses of processed nutritional units? This is not a context in which most human beings are likely to find satisfactory answers to “what are people for?” That’s a barren vision and it just won’t do.

In a great many cases, agri-giant aims and practices must get woke (Earth Changes are real; willful, sleepy avoidance is a pathway of certain failure). They must find the will and the means to transform, to embrace, and to embody authentic, clean, just (not greenwashed) agroecological pathways for fulfilling their work in the world. That’s possible. That’s necessary. In light of extreme environmental, climate, and social realities, that’s urgent.

More relevant than walking on the Moon, such a foundational transformation of global food systems would represent “one giant leap for humankind.”

When researching and writing Deep Agroecology (2019), I had opportunities to consider the various roles of farms, and how those roles might evolve. In our times we are blessed to have a great many gifted thinkers and writers on matters related to our farms, food, and future. Many voices, many pathways exploring what farms are all about.

As I read, and visited, and listened, I absorbed the individual and collective voices of farmers, and also citizens and scholars with a passionate interest in bringing beauty and justice more fully into the world. Wondering. Had to wonder. Had to dream. Could farms be for serving life not solely as economic and food engines but rather, in this time of crisis, serve the essential healing and uplifting of our planet, the people of all the nations, and also the animals and plants in the Sacred Hoop—the Circle of Life—with whom we share existence and experience on Earth?

Could farms be for establishing a mature, far-flung network of agrarian oases, hallowed places radiating environmental, physical, and spiritual health through their landscapes and the clean food and fiber they produce? Innovative grass-roots community systems, nodes in an emerging web of relationships that is local and global at the same time.

I see that possibility. I’m happy to share in that dream, and to honor all those already working toward it along a diverse matrix of well-intended pathways. The seeds of such a possibility have been sown for several decades, in uneven parallel with the advance of the giant agri-food corporations. Honor and respect is due to the steadfast agroecological compatriots, the community patriots. All around the world are individuals and groups who have developed the local, real organic, real regenerative, and community-based farm and food initiatives that have set roots and that continue to mature.

We’ve so many promising seeds. In hundreds of thousands of places in North America and millions of places around the world, individuals, communities, and creative organizations are working dynamically to innovate, to establish, to restore, and to vitalize clean, healthy, local food systems, and to help stabilize our climate. These agrarian endeavors represent promising evolutions in the matrix of our farms and food. They are soul-centered and soul-fulfilling in a way that AI can only imitate.

This is what we need. This is what initiatives such as community farms (CSAs), farm-to-institution programs, co-ops, and hundreds of other agroecological initiatives are all about. Creating fertile spaces of relationships, wombs of association in which the nodes and hubs and webs are formed. No doubt the tool of AI and the other technological marvels can and will be employed in this evolving web, but guided by the human-honored wisdom of the Seventh Generation teaching, which arose through the native spirit of North America.

Last year (2023) was the hottest in recorded history, a year also marked by climate disruptions ravaging every corner of the globe. Facing those realities, it’s time to deploy our intelligence and resources wholesale toward restoring balance, whether working from the grass roots or in the corporate institutional domain. Farms and food are a key in this, our main chance, worthy of full attention.

With that understanding for context, here’s a sample of farm and food news items that have informed me recently, and that I regard as noteworthy:

  • At the 8th International Conference of La Via Campesina in Bogotá around 50 allied organizations representing workers came together. The focus was on human aspirations for respect, dignity, health. The most oft-repeated phrase at the conference: “Alone we can go faster, but we won’t get far.” That phrase communicated their sense of solidarity, even in the context established by the multinational agricorps. “At a time when we are witnessing an attempt to dismantle the human rights framework, the criminalization of struggles and multiple attempts to blind us with false solutions, it is necessary to strengthen more and more both narratives and actions that reinforce the defense of territories and the agroecological route.”
  • The COP28 UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai was huge. Some 85,000 participants. Ruth Mattock, attended and blogged about it on TABLE, a global platform for knowledge synthesis on the future of food. She wrote: “Working ‘in partnership’ with farmers: a number of events had titles like this, or on ‘farmer-driven’ agendas. In each case, actual involvement from farmers remained quite tokenistic.”
  • COP28 did deliver a noteworthy public statement, The UAE Declaration on Sustainable Agriculture, Resilient Food Systems, and Climate Action. A total of 159 nations signed the pledge during the conference.
  • The Alliance of Champions for Food Systems Transformation (ACF) is a coalition of countries acknowledging he urgency of this moment in time, and determined to act together. Signatory nations commit to driving systemic change, taking a ‘whole of government’ approach to deliver better outcomes for our lives on earth.
  • As reported by Food Tank, the Mayor’s Office of Food Policy in New York has established Food Forward NYC, representing a comprehensive 10-year food policy plan for a more equitable, sustainable, and healthy food system. With Food Forward the city has issued a healing challenge to America: “We are calling on mayors across the nation to protect our planet, starting with their city’s food consumption.”
  • The C40 Good Food Cities Accelerator gives cities an opportunity to connect and to educate citizens about a Planetary Heath Diet. C40 is a knowledge hub, offering insights and practical resources from cities that are demonstrating leadership in response to climate change.
  • Another noteworthy offering among many is the New England Food Hub Network’s webinar series, CommUNITY Powers the Food System. Worth checking out.

As world conditions intensify, positive farm and food actions become all the more important in opening up healthy pathways forward. Creating opportunities for direction and purpose. By restoring balance and making the land and waters vibrantly healthy, the Earth’s sacred dimension is more clearly revealed and strengthened in support of all life. With our diets free of disruptive substances and processes, we human beings can be healthier, clearer, and generally more sane. With these radiant foundations in farms and food we human beings can more readily fulfill what I appreciate as a worthy response to Wendell Berry’s question: a key direction for our lives in this era, something worth being for, is to evolve from homo sapiens to homo spiritus.

The term homo spiritus refers not to a form of religious binding, but rather to what many thinkers and writers have identified as our next possible and necessary evolutionary breath: women and men who have awakened and who respect in thought and practice the fundamental fact of our connection with each other, the Earth, and all the forms of life upon the Earth. This is not an abstract or unattainably lofty goal of perfection, but rather an essential aspiration.

As Dennis Klocek phrased it in one of his extraordinary books, “Sacred agriculture is not just the manipulation of resources, but rather a spiritual act. This is an imperative of evolution, as well as an imperative of survival.”

All of this is what farms can be for. Beyond food and fiber they are a foundation for our physical, moral, and spiritual survival and evolution. They represent our main chance.

2024: The Year of Agroecology (again)

by Steven McFadden – January 1, 2024
For the sake of the Earth, the people, the animals, the plants, and for the sake of my own need to advocate, I raise my blog voice and declare 2024 to be The Year of Agroecology. Once again.

Twelve months ago I declared 2023 to be The Year of Agroecology, and before that the same in 2022. It’s something that needs to be declared again, and again, and again. Severe matters before us all. Opportunity, too.

While my blog voice may be slight in isolation, it is part of a wide and wise global chorus: millions of voices of people who touch the earth on behalf of all humanity, and who recognize the overwhelming need for transformation of our food systems with clean land, clean food, justice for all. They are acting for change. “The Year of Agroecology” is but one rhetorical frame, among 8 billion possibilities. But it’s a momentous frame.

Farm and food systems are the foundation of all the rest of our world with all its techno splendors and dangers. If we get our foundation right–clean, just, radiantly healthy–what is built upon that foundation has a far-improved likelihood of being wholesome, just, and sustainable.

The authentic, multifaceted global vision of agroecology is worthy of worldwide embrace: genuine, committed engagement to activate a main chance for us all as we pass through a turbulent era of transition characterized by profound social upheaval, wide-ranging environmental contamination, and an ongoing, in-your-face cascade of climate-change catastrophes.

For sober consideration, check out  The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Each year for the last six years this report has highlighted the reality that intensification of wars, punishing climate extremes, and economic turbulence, combined with inflation and inequality, are knocking the nations and corporations of the world off track. In the report’s estimation we’ll not meet basic targets set by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). That’s not an abstract academic concept. It has harsh real-world consequences.

For balance, check out Food Tank’s podcast highlighting food system wins in 2023, and also predictions for 2024 from ag and food experts.

Agroecology is a grace that needs to be welcomed widely in 2024 for it espouses a way of life in respectful relationship with nature, rather than a relentless profit-driven business model, and a tsunami of marketing angles.

Agroecology is a science, a practice, and a worldwide movement embraced for the sake of clean land, clean water, clean food, and justice for the human beings who touch the earth for all of us, or otherwise work to make our food supply possible.

For all these reasons and more, agroecology deserves acknowledgement and prominence as the year of, the decade of, the century of, and more. For 2024 and onward, I respectfully add my voice to the agroecological chorus. Let us make our Beauty Way visions real.



Deep Agroecology: a 2-minute, slide-show primer

As the pace of world transition intensifies, I’m moved to once again articulate in direct language my understanding of the vision held by millions of people around the world: the vision of agroecology.

Thus, I offer below a two-minute slide show with words and images characterizing some of the basic elements of the agroecological vision, and also offering a glimpse at how deep agroecology embraces the vision, then endeavors to explore further into positive possibilities.

Note: The slide interval is set at 7 seconds. You can start or stop the show with the slider control.

Our Main Chance: Agroecology

by Steven McFadden ~ 9.21.2022

The phrase main chance generally refers to the most advantageous prospect available, the opportunity for the greatest progress or gain in any given set of circumstances. I use the phrase now in regard to our tempestuous environmental, climatological, social, and spiritual circumstances.

In a historical context, playwright William Shakespeare employed the phrase main chance memorably in a speech by the Earl of Warwick in Henry VI, Part 2:

“There is a history in all men’s lives,
figuring the nature of the times deceased,
the which observed,
a man may prophesy, with a near aim,
of the main chance
of things as yet not come to life…”

With my nearest aim, I now prophesy for the future that our main chance would be wisely grasped in reference to collective ambitions that we must of necessity awaken in ourselves: ambitions for survival and well-being through climate chaos and more, for a clean Earth, for health, for respect, for purpose, for the next seven generations, for beauty, for spiritual maturity.

All of this is what farms are for, what they can be for if we set our minds and hearts to make it so. Farms and food are the key to our physical, moral, community, and spiritual survival and evolution. Our main chance to realize all of this lies in the realms of agroecology and deep agroecology.

For your consideration, here’s a sample of some memes I’ve been inspired to create by the main chance theme:


Agriculture 2060: Farms, Food, and Our Future

July 22, 2022 – by Steven McFadden

I often listen to Youtube recordings when I do my morning stretches, getting ready for the day. This morning I listened to an interview with Stephan A. Schwartz conducted by Jeffrey Mishlove on his Youtube channel, New Thinking Allowed.

Schwartz offered a provocative view of the future in general, and of agriculture in particular, based upon the cumulative impressions of thousands of subjects who participated in his remote viewing research.

Schwartz is part of Distinguished Consulting Faculty of Saybrook University, and editor of He previously served as Special Assistant for Research and Analysis to the Chief of Naval Operations. He was the principal researcher studying the use of Remote Viewing in archaeology, using the technique to discover Cleopatra’s Palace, Marc Antony’s Timonium, ruins of the Lighthouse of Pharos, and other significant sites.

In this July 3, 2022 interview he discusses a project he began in 1978, asking remote viewers to describe life in the year 2050. More recently he initiated a  project to look at the year 2060. He uses a specific consensus methodology in remote viewing, and then applies modern statistical tools to analyze the data.

He said that his preliminary results suggest that by 2060 society will have adjusted to an enormous transformation, a transformation that would happen in particular through the five-year stretch of time from 2040 to 2045.

Between the 19:20 to 21:40 marks of the Youtube video, Mr. Schwartz reports the following observation based on his research: “In general with the 2060s…there seems to be an increased recognition that we live in a matrix of consciousness. And that all consciousness is interconnected, interdependent.”

“Agriculture has changed radically,” he says. “The chemical-industrial, poison-based, single-crop, monoculture agriculture seems to have been replaced by communities growing more of their own food…”

“…the descriptions that they (remote viewers) give (of 2060) are that A, people don’t move around that much any more. B, they live in smaller communities. And C, they seem to provide for themselves locally, rather than having large, long-distance shipping.”

When I consider that forecast it sounds to me like the common sense concepts and practices of agroecology might well come to the fore over time, as circumstances make clear is essential to our ongoing and future well-being. I’ll gladly take that non-local encouragement,

One particular area of interest that Schwartz has been inquiring about during his researchbecause it’s a personal interest of hisis the development of CRISPR technology for genetic manipulation, genetic engineering.

Here’s what he said about it during his interview with Mishlove: “My concern, and I’ve written about this in several papers, is the emergence of another hominid species: homo superior.”  He said that when he beginning his research several years ago he’d not put the questions about genetic engineering the way he would put them now. Having learned more, he now wants to research the genetic probabilities further. The emergence of a new hominid (homo superior) would, Schwartz said, be “dramatic.”

Code Red for Humanity, Code Green for Earth

by Steven McFadden
My primary work throughout the rest of 2021 is dedicated to researching and writing the biography of a man who was a kind, knowledgeable, and skillful leader for the Navajo people, as well as for people around the world. Having died in 2008, he left a legacy of insight into the well being of our earth, and indications for time-tested ways of supporting hózhó  – life in balance and beauty.

While at first a biography might appear to be a divergence from the topics of agroecology and deep agroecology, it’s actually related. Part of the biography, through the subject’s eyes, is an exploration of how we might reckon wisely with the catastrophes described in Code Red for Humanity, the alarming new UN report. In my view it’s the most critical report in history. The dire realities it spells out demand our global attention.

While I’m at work on the biography, I’ll continue to let people know about my book, Deep Agroecology, and to create occasional memes to call attention to the critical issues in the book, and the high, necessary vision it sets out.

Here’s a sample of the kinds of memes that I create from time to time, as the spirit moves me.


        ~ End ~

Global Forces Rile Farm and Food Realities

by Steven McFadden

Colossal forces—social, financial, technical, environmental, governmental, and climatological—are whirling emphatically this year, directly engaging, disengaging, and impacting our farms and food. Each human being on Earth has a stake in how it all settles out. It’s that basic.

Among the forces: climate extremes, environmental breakdowns, food security threats, the Covid-19 pandemic, all accompanied by a burgeoning corporate involvement in the realm, including big finance and the advance guard of data-driven AI technologies.

Those forces are met with the soul-yearnings of millions of human beings of all colors, faiths, and nations. They hunger and thirst for a planet-wide realization, a spiritual awakening that results in a sincere, whole-hearted, justice-based reckoning with the critical, foundational matters of our farms and food.

This is no time for co-opted or fake measures, no junk agroecology. Things are real.

The consequential vectors—big money, big tech, big GMO, big chemical, the human beings, and the poisoned politics of our times—are engaged for a defining moment, a moment likely reaching a crescendo in September, in New York, at the UN Food Systems Summit 2021 #UNFSS.

A classic yang-yin polarity thus emerges in sharp relief as we move through
critical points on the pathway to the future not just of farms and food, but also of all that rests upon the foundation that farms and food constitute. Mechanical, material, technical efficiency and profit reside in a yang zone, while the yin realm is home to the basic, upwelling needs of every human being for dignity, respect, justice, adequate clean food, a beautiful, sustainable world to live in, and a dynamic active vision that includes the full circle of life…

The rest of this blog post is at Mother Earth News…

Your Pantry, Your Planet: Extreme Factors Set the Stage for Global Farm and Food Summit

by Steven McFadden – (published 2.17.21 – updated 3.4.21)

You may imagine that your involvement with the food system begins and ends with your refrigerator, your pantry, your local supermarket, and your backyard garden, if you are lucky enough to have one. But that fantasy would be tragically misleading.

The inescapable facts: at this passionate, volatile, hotly contested moment of history, your breakfast, lunch, and dinner are in almost all cases intimately, irrevocably enmeshed in the matrix of the global food system. Outside of radical self-sufficiency, which is not what most people are capable of, there’s no escaping that matrix.

As it happens there’s a great debate underway about that system—about the people, values, politics, and profits that influence our farms, our people in the fields and packing houses, our farm animals, and ultimately our food and our health. That debate will reach a crescendo this coming October at the UN’s global Food Systems Summit 2021.  The Summit has been convened to restructure the regulatory environment for farms and food. That’s a immensely consequential responsibility.

The crescendo of the debate will arrive in the context of at least three extreme factors: the global pandemic, global climate change, and widespread social discontent with the status quo. Those factors are at work forcefully on our one and only planet, and consequently on most everyone’s plate. Like it or not, your pantry is in play.

Zooming Toward the Summit
Thanks to Zoom, I had the chance on February 11 to sit before my computer screen in Nebraska, and to watch a pre-summit debate on food systems among a host of learned observers from around the world. The online session—really more a discussion than a debate—was presented in partnership by the Global Alliance for the Future of Food, the Agroecology Fund, the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food), the Dominican Republic, the UN Committee on World Food Security, and the SDG2 Advocacy Hub.

The discussion was one of many official, online pre-summit events. On this particular panel, participants discussed what they see as necessary for resilient, renewable, equitable, climate-stabilizing, healthy, and diverse food systems. That’s the vision of agroecology, a vision devoutly to be wished. And when that vision is inspirited, it’s deep agroecology.

As the Zoom panelists explained, a key element for the upcoming global Food Systems Summit was established five years ago when the UN unanimously approved the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With a deadline of 2030—just nine quick years from now—the SDGs address a range of critical global/local issues from hunger to climate chaos, poverty, education, vanishing ecosystems, and more.

The basic idea of the October summit is to choose and to empower ways and means to help meet the SDGs through farm and food systems. Collectively, the existing systems have a colossal impact on the natural environment, and on human health.

Political Economy
This summit will mark not just a moment in time, but also a turning point. Our local, national, and global food systems require tremendous changes. That’s evident in the pervasive chemical pollution, the dead zones in our seas, the vast animal misery of our factory farms (CAFOs), the starkly unjust circumstances of our essential farm and food workers, the persistent widespread hunger around the world, in epidemics of chronic, diet-related diseases, and in many other facets of the ways we draw sustenance from our finite planet.

This constellation of massive, systemic predicaments serves as a marker of the old order. That order is flailing forward in the pits of depleted resources, and wallowing in its own foul waste lagoons. The dreadful facts of the matter signal that existing global, mechanical, industrial chemical food systems are not in integrity with nature, and consequently out of integrity with the directions humanity must pursue to reckon with current extremes, and to evolve forward to living in respect of the circle of life, and the next Seven Generations.

Farm and food systems are the foundation of just about everything else in the modern world. Now that the necessity of change is inevitable, what will the changes be? Who will decide? Who will benefit? There are 7.8 billion people with an essential stake in the decisions.

Over the last many decades the mechanisms of governance for farm and food systems have been increasingly influenced and dominated by corporations with primary allegiance to investor profit. Pre-summit panel member Sofia Monsalve, Secretary General of FIAN International, made explicit note of this.

She said that marginalized participants in the food systems are in fact marginalized as well in the upcoming global summit. She also made note of the ongoing “corporate capture” of food systems, a controlling reality that plays out not just in farm and food enterprises, but also around the world in many corporately captured government regulatory agencies.

The central drive for efficiency and profit in farm and food systems has, perhaps inevitably, implicated the industrial-chemical models in a torrent of critical issues: human rights, land rights, water depletion, chronic disease, climate chaos, pollution, and more. Unrelenting “efficiency” and “cheap food” have extreme costs.

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhri, has noted alarmingly  (article) that human rights have been dropped from the Summit’s agenda in favor of corporate-friendly language. Fakhri wrote to the head of the summit, Agnes Kalibata, in January stating that the global food crisis was “chronic, urgent, and set to intensify” and yet the summit is focused on science and technology, money and markets, and does not address “fundamental questions of inequality, accountability, and governance.”

Participants in this pre-summit debate were well aware of these realities. In making a relevant point about the situation, Olivier De Schutter—co-chair of IPES-Food, and also the UN’s Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights—used the term political economy. “Issues of power and accountability,” De Schutter said, “must be at the heart of the UN summit.”

Billions of Voices
Political economy refers to the reality of how a country—or in this case the world—is managed or governed, taking into account political, economic, and (at least ideally) social, and ethical factors.

As outlined in a conversation between professors Philip H. Howard and Mary Hendrickson, the phenomenon of corporate capture, or concentration, is a clear, present, and aggressive factor for our farms and food, and ultimately for our pantries.

“In our view,” the professors said, “a resilient food system that feeds everyone can be achieved only through a more equitable distribution of power. This in turn will require action in areas ranging from contract law and antitrust policy to workers’ rights and economic development. Farmers, workers, elected officials and communities will have to work together to fashion alternatives and change policies.”

Broadly speaking—and in distinction from the structures of governments and corporations—farmers, smallholders, peasants, food workers, non-profit organizations, co-ops, consumers, and communities constitute civil society. In one sense civil society strives to speak for the global community of human beings, all 7.8 billion of us, especially those human beings who historically have not had a voice.

In this case civil society refers in particular to the billions of voices, and thousands upon thousands of local, community-based food initiatives in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and around the world, certainly including the transnational agrarian movement, La Via Campesina (LVC).

After building global webs of relationship over recent decades, the many peoples and organizations of civil society have generally recognized that the trajectory of the global Food Systems Summit is heading in a direction they cannot support.

A Reminder
About month after watching the February 11 pre-summit debate online, I was reminded via an email from Tristan Quinn-Thibodeau of ActionAid USA that civil society organizations are definitely not on board with the developing spirit and form of the upcoming Food Systems Summit.

In 2020 over 500 civil society organizations sent a letter to the UN Secretary-General outlining their alarm about corporate capture of the summit, and the likelihood that the summit will serve as a forum for advancement of corporate aims and greenwashing, meanwhile glossing over the essential earth-and-justice respecting ways and means of true agroecology.

After sending their letter to the Secretary General, and seeing that their principal concerns were going to remain unaddressed, many of the civil society organizations publicly expressed disappointment in the summit’s plan, and declined to be involved. Of note, LVC—the largest social movement in the world—denounced the Food Systems Summit, and declared that it would not participate.

An LVC position paper on the Summit states that the governance of the event is utterly undemocratic, and that it remains firmly in control of “a handful of large international corporations…The current trajectory of the Summit’s build-up process allows the global power elites, and especially the private sector, to once again legitimize themselves as architects of the future of our food system, using its transnational corporate arms to continue to accumulate capital and destroy the planet.”

LVC holds another vision, one of food sovereignty: comprehensive, democratic local food systems that are diverse, agroecological, informed by indigenous knowledge, and developed and managed justly by people with full respect for human rights.

True Agroecology
As several the pre-summit panelists expressed, the true ideals of agroecology—farm and food systems that are clean, sustainable, socially just, and respectfully inclusive of indigenous knowings—are often given lip service, but at present the vision they represent is not really on the agenda.

Unlike the mechanistic approaches of corporate oligarchies with their technocratic chemical industrial approaches to farms and animals, in the vision of agroecology people around the world recognize an umbrella concept that—via farms and food—synthesizes the needs of human beings with the needs of the natural world. In beauty, with wisdom, this can be done.

Agroecological approaches to farms and food follow not one fixed model, but rather are diverse according to the basic nature of their circumstances, and right relationship with the circle of life. They are clean, sustainable, climate-stabilizing through the sequestration of carbon and the building of topsoil, socially just, animal humane, and egalitarian.

Agroecology encompasses systems such as organics, biodynamics, regenerative, permaculture, cooperative, and so forth, and thereby represents an inspirational and pragmatic vision of what is necessary and possible as we strive to re-organize the food web. In response to the pandemic, to pollution, to climate breakdown, to social injustice, and the intensifying hegemony of multinational chemical, drug, and ag corporations.

Agroecology represents practical, purposeful, and realistic hope. It’s a global vision that has been dreamed and then acted upon by millions of people around the world—civil society. Corporations and governments have often resisted agroecology, or tried to co-opt the concept and related language, seeing agroecology as a threat to their entrenched, industrialized operations, to their market shares, and to their profits.

Zoom Globally, Act Locally
In a multitude of places and ways around the globe—and in the context of extreme factors such climate chaos, COVID, and environmental deterioration—millions of people are working toward the fundamental, democratic, egalitarian, and healing impulses of agroecology.

Even though you are likely far removed from the UN’s Global Food Systems Summit and its critical discussions and decisions, you can observe what is happening. As I did, you can Zoom into pre-summit meetings and other events. Find out what is going on. Information is power. Ignorance is folly.

The “global food system” is in fact a system of systems. And a basic tenet of systems theory is that changing one part of a system affects the entire system. With all that’s going on globally, you still have your own pantry as your principal point of influence in the food system. I encourage you: do not underestimate the power of your pantry.

This time-worn saying holds true: every dollar you spend on food is a vote for the kind of food system you have and will have. Your investment in clean, local, just farm and food initiatives adds energy and momentum for agroecology on a petite scale. But networked together in a web of action with the millions of initiatives around the planet, it’s agroecology on a grand scale: the scale we need to reckon with the extremes.

Your pantry—and consequently your breakfast, lunch dinner, and planet—have a date with destiny at the Global Food Systems Summit later this year.

Food, Farms, and Our Future – A video conversation about Deep Agroecology

My video conversation with Brooke Medicine Eagle about The Call of the Land and the accompanying slide show, is freely available now. To learn more about deep agroecology and the possibilities for our food and farms, follow this link.